May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we know there are people in every industry that struggle with incredible stress. This month, we’ve prioritized continued learning and made further space for reading/listening to help both our mental growth and our business growth.
As always, we’re hoping the Good Vibes Roundup helps pull a few good, thoughtful stories that can benefit you and your business!
How to Set Up KPI’s for Your Life, Not Just Your Business
Setting (+ Achieving) Your Own Personal KPIs via Career Contessa
On Using Yoga/Exercise to Help Ease Symptoms of Burnout and Depression
Dissolve Depression via Yoga Journal
VALIDATION For Our Fellow Plant Moms Out There
The Science Behind Why Houseplants Are Good For You via Lonny
Favorite New Acronym: ESCAPE
via Well + Good’s Mental Health Awareness Month Challenge
Exercise (an instant mood booster and stress reducer)
Sleep (which helps your brain function at its best)
Connect and
Appreciate (because social connections and gratitude can foster better mental health)
Pleasure (an important component of overall happiness)
Exhale (a powerful way to calm anxieties and reduce stress)
Stay tuned to the Good Vibes blog & social accounts as we continue our Roundup series! We’re all struggling to keep up with all the amazing reading out there - we’ll be here to keep you caught up on our favorite articles!